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ARCHIVE: October, 2007

----- 10.30.2007 --------
In all likelihood, this will be my last update from 3 Navy Wharf Court. Tomorrow, I'll be taking the day off work to do a lot of the moving, and then it's limbo land until the movers come on Saturday. After that, we'll be completely moved to our temporary town house on Jarvis, just north of Carlton. So, the last couple years here have been great! They sure have flown by! It seems like not long ago I was moving in! And the purging process, although not as bad as last time, still sucks. Moving into a smaller place simply isn't fun.

But what is stuff anyway? Why do we hang onto it? Digital or material, there seems to be a pack-rat in most of us. Alright... at this point, I need to make a choice: Procrastinate & rant, or do something to help with the move. I'm going to work on the move. You see, tomorrow the Internet is moved (and I hope to move the computer as well!), so this feels like my last chance to blog. But, there's a time where you gotta stop blogging, and do something in the physical world. OK, back up a few sentances.... it appears I chose to rant instead. ;) I surprise myself sometimes! Actually, I'm full of surprises.... to myself atleast! To others, maybe I'm predictable, maybe not. OK... this is procrastination at a new level. Or atleast it will be a few paragraphs from now. I bet entire books are written this way! But I'll leave that to the authors.... bye!

----- 10.28.2007 --------
So next weekend is the 'big move'. Jen & I have the keys to the new place and have moved a couple things, but by the end of next weekend, it's all gotta be gone. Sucks, but hey, you can make things a lot easier by just rolling with the punches. I'll be glad when it's all over.

So what happened between the last post & now? I was in New York for work last week. It was a planned day trip on Thursday that ran a little longer then anticipated so I flew back Friday morning. Thursday was a LONG day! For starters, my flight was at 6:20 AM and since it's international, you need to get there that much earlier to clear customs. So the car picked me up at 4:45 AM and I got to the airport, waited and then finally boarded the plane. After sitting there for half an hour, they announced that there were no pilots so we all got off the plane, went to another gate, waited, then went through deja vu and got in the exact same seats on another plane. What a joke!

What else is new? This weekend I went to an amazing Halloween party at a coworker's on Friday night. The highlight had to have been the "Ice Luge". Not sure what one is? AGF.... Ask Google First :) Saturday hurt. A lot.

And now something totally cool. I got this article as a forward from my Dad. At first, the dancer was spinning counter-clockwise, and then she changed and spun clockwise. With a couple minutes of practice, I could make her spin either direction at my own will. Very cool! Try it!

THE Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

  • uses logic
  • detail oriented
  • facts rule
  • words and language
  • present and past
  • math and science
  • can comprehend
  • knowing
  • acknowledges
  • order/pattern perception
  • knows object name
  • reality based
  • forms strategies
  • practical
  • safe
  • uses feeling
  • "big picture" oriented
  • imagination rules
  • symbols and images
  • present and future
  • philosophy & religion
  • can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
  • believes
  • appreciates
  • spatial perception
  • knows object function
  • fantasy based
  • presents possibilities
  • impetuous
  • risk taking

    ----- 10.18.2007 --------
    Wow! I blinked.... and 8 days flew by! This last update literally feels I wrote it 2 days ago. I'd say yesterday... but that's a bit of a stretch ;). So on Sunday Jen & I signed the lease at the new place. We're moving to a small townhouse-like place on Jarvis. It's at 415 Jarvis and looks like it will be a nice place to live for the next 8 - 9 months until our new condo at Rezen is finished being built. Progress is coming along really well! I think they've hit the 13th floor... which is the top floor. We can see our place. It's the easiest to pick out because of its terrace. Can't wait! All I need to do now is blink, maybe twice... and June will be here!

    Last night I had my "Warrior Group Meeting". What's that, you ask? Weeks ago (Sept 7/8 weekend), I went to San Diego to see James Ray and participate in the Harmonic Wealth Weekend. This "Warrior Group" is 6 of us who meet weekly to hold each other to the new standards we've set for ourselves. To reinforce the new ideas and thinking that we were introduced to and taught. I must admit... I am going through a massive period of change right now. I've been seeking more and more spirituality in my life and it's amazing how what you look for presents itself! One of my new friends at work lent me some amazing audio books called "Conversation with God". It is some incredible to hear ideas presented so clearly! I listen to it to and from work, and when I go to sleep. There's about 25+ hours worth, and I've made my way past book 1 (of 3). Really amazing stuff!

    Anyway, I'm just waiting for another "Warrior" call, but this one will be a little different. There are 3 groups invited to it and it will be hosted by one of the "Dream Team Members" from the Harmonic Wealth Weekend. Looking forward to it! Anyway, I hope all of you are doing great and your lives are full of joy & Love. See you soon.

    ----- 10.10.2007 --------
    If there's anything that's certain in life, it's definately change. And this has been a huge year for change for me... and it's not over yet! Most recently, as I mentioned in my last post, our landlord is selling the condo we're in. We actually kicked around the idea of buying to avoid moving, and then selling it in 8 months when our new condo is finished being built. At first, the idea was brilliant! We'd save a ton of $$$ in rental fees over 8 months. Sure, there's risk... but where there's risk, great rewards can be found. OK, back up... reality check. Anyway, I crunched the numbers and with the amount we'd have to borrow, the amount we'd get nailed with up front in legal fees, borrowing costs (CMHC), land transfer tax, title insurance.... and the list goes one, it definately won't work in our favour! A longer term buy, say.... 2 years ago when we sold our places and moved here... now that would have made sense. Maybe. But there would have been huge risks, the biggest being stuck with 2 mortgages, especially if the market had turned.

    So, with temporarily buying a place completely off the table, Jen & I have been looking at rentals as well. Within a week of the call, we've found a great place and will be signing the papers this weekend. Lots more news to come in this department, that's for sure! Or... maybe not so much.... moving's a hastle. And having no computer is too. If I have no computer for a while, updating my site is definately out of the question. Same goes for the possibility of not having Internet for a while. Time to make some phone calls!!!

    This past weekend (Thanksgiving), Jen & I drove up to see her Mom in Montreal. Wow, it's amazing how 10 - 12 hours of driving can turn a long weekend short! It was a nice relaxing weekend, and we got out of painting ;) I played a ton of Nintendo DS (Age of Empires rocks!!!), put together a cabinet for Jen's mom, and watched some movies. Yep... that was all... and I liked it that way!

    What else? I can't believe it's almost been a week since my last update! I swear, I blinked. That's it and the time is behind us! I've also been busy working on Jen's website for her new business venture to "save the dogs". Her and her friend Tracy are going into business... have a look at their site: Crazy Dog Ladies. It's a work in progress, but it's coming along. My photography is coming in handy for shooting some of her jewelery... not to mention my limited web building "skills". It's a work in progess, but it's come along way from nothing really fast!

    And the best for last... I hope you're still reading. I received my first 3D image today. One that I made. It's beautiful! It came from a guy I met in San Diego. He has some amazing software I'm interested in using to create beautiful lenticular 3D artworks with my photography. There's going to be a lot more of this in the near future, so just stay tuned! I was hoping to have some available for Christmas... so hopefully this whole "move thing" doesn't throw a wrench into things! Anyway, I gotta run & go vote before the polls close. Go Green Party!

    ----- 10.04.2007 --------
    Wow, welcome to October! Today was a very interesting day, weather-wise. A bit of a cold front came in and today there was a cool mist hanging over the city. On my way home, the way it was refracting reflected light from buildings was awesome. The sun was getting lower and the rays that fanned out were incredible. I really wish I had my camera with me, but by the time I got home, it was too late. I did see a bunch of shutter-bugs out, and I'm sure they got some great pictures!

    Where to start? Not really sure, but I think I'll keep it fairly short... I'm tired, I have a bit of work ahead of me tonight, and I have an early morning tomorrow. But all I gotta do is make it through tomorrow, and then I have a long weekend to "rest". Jen & I are heading up to her Mom's in Montreal for Thanksgiving. I think we'll be helping her paint her place. Maybe not the most restful weekend, but it'll be an enjoyable weekend regardless. This past weekend was pretty cool. Friday night, about 15 of us from work went to a fundraiser event to support The Stop. It was awesome! We made our own gourmet meal in the kitchen under the guidance of their chef, enjoyed some wine and each others' company, then dined on the lovely meal we made. The Stop is a very worth organization and I urge you to get involved and help them out if you can. After, on Saturday, I went to a new workmate's place for some poker. I won the first game, came 2nd somehow in the 2nd, then got beat out in the third. It was a lot of fun!

    Well, that's all for now. As I mentioned, off to Montreal this weekend, and then next weekend, it's up to Creemore for some camping. It'll be awesome! I love Fall camping :)

    Oh, and one last thing before I wrap this up. Jen & I got a call from our landlord and it sounds like he wants to sell the place we're currently renting as we wait for our new condo. So, sounds like we're moving pretty soon. I embraced the idea and I'm looking forward to it. Change is good, plus it may give Jen & I the opportunity to demo another neighbourhood for 7 - 8 months until our condo's built. Alternatively, we can stay in the same building. We've already struck a deal with our real estate agent to rent the identical unit we're in, only a couple floors away. That would be an easy move! Anyway... fun, exciting times ahead..... K, bye for now!


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